3 great marketing uses for Augmented Reality


The Augmented Reality (AR) market is predicted to be worth over AUD $90 billion by 2023, led by some of the biggest tech companies like Google, Samsung, Apple, and Microsoft.

Australian companies that want to maintain a competitive advantage, should consider where Augmented Reality could fit in their organisation.  

Today, AR creates an amazing impact, and for those that know how to harness this new visual language, the benefits can be immense. Here are three tried and tested ways that Australian organisations can use Augmented Reality:

1/ AR at Brand Activations

AR Selfies are ideal for brand activations where the best way to engage passers-by is by showing them something amazing that they can take in at a glance. Participants can literally step into your branded AR scene and see themselves interacting with anything from a tiger to your sports team, and have the photographic evidence to prove it on social media. More here: https://www.page2.com.au/ar-selfie

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2/ AR Product Visualisation

Sometimes allowing customers to experience your products in their own environment can be difficult. Your products may be bulky, or expensive or just plain out of stock. AR allows you to easily place a digital 3D version of your product into the hands of your customers to try out in their own premises.  In many cases your customer can operate your virtual product in the same way that they would in the real world - add to that the ability to feature information breakouts and touchpoints, and your product will literally sell itself! More here: https://www.page2.com.au/blog/2018/12/13/ar-product-visualisation

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3/ AR Visitor Engagement

Many venues and attractions struggle with how to remain interesting and compelling to visit in today's age of rich digital media experiences. AR provides the opportunity to merge the two to create a rich and memorable location-based experience that visitors will talk about when they leave. From augmented signage, interactive maps and voice narrated exhibits to AR discovery trails and digital collectibles, you can also effectively guide and track traffic and make adjustments to optimise the visitor experience. More here: https://www.page2.com.au/visitar


Page 2 offers Augmented Reality consultancy and content creation services to Australian businesses. They can be contacted on 0415 420 521 or info@page2.com.au 

Ashley Roan