Vir2ual Tours by Page 2


Page 2 are the brains behind Vir2ual Tours. A new initiative helping companies with bricks and mortar premises to drive more virtual foot traffic, especially during COVID.

Vir2ual Tours provide compelling and meaningful online virtual tours by immersing "visitors" with rich storytelling and a truly memorable visit so businesses can make the most of their physical premises allowing customers to visit anytime. They include interactivity throughout and can even share the ambience of a space through the use of directional sound and animation.

Wise Guys Barbershop, Glenhaven NSW

Wise Guys Barbershop, Glenhaven NSW

Visitors can experience a Vir2ual Tour either through their desktop computer or via Smartphone or Tablet.

The familiarity of a “visit” brings with it a sense of confidence and trust for the visitor, bringing them a step closer to doing business - whether its picking up the phone or clicking the Add to Cart link.

Animated and interactive 3D model of car brakes

Animated and interactive 3D model of car brakes

Vir2ual Tours even offer a revolutionary online shopping experience immersing customers in your store (captured using a combination of 360 photos/video and conventional photography for closeups) where they can soak up the ambience, click on any product, examine details (text, photos, video, 3D models etc.) and add it straight to the integrated shopping cart.

Here are some great examples that the team at Vir2ual Tours have completed recently:

For more information on Vir2ual Tours visit